The national closing date for starting school and transfer to middle applications is 15 January 2025. Please contact the school for a tour.
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Daily Routine

Our Daily Routine is essential to ensure that children settle in to our setting. We keep our routine the same each day. The children in Little Owls take part in daily activities with their Key Worker. These consist of Listening & Attention activities that allow us to support the children in paying attention to an activity and to practise conversational skills, turn taking, understanding and answering questions and developing memory skills. Maths activities allow us to support counting, numeral recognition, shape awareness, positional language, pattern, size and capacity. The children also take part in Physical activities. These activities allow us to support the children in developing their fine motor skills, building strength in their hands in readiness for mark making and using one-handed tools. The children will also access Adult Led Activities throughout the week. These activities are based on our weekly focus and will be completed on an individual basis with a grown up or in a small group with adult support. 
