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Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Provision

Southcott is a school where everyone matters. We pride ourselves on our caring and inclusive ethos. All children need support in order to learn, but some require support which is additional to, or different from, what is normally provided. At Southcott, we are committed to doing everything we can to meet the needs of our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), so that they are included in all aspects of school life, make progress and achieve their potential academically, socially and emotionally. All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND. 


Our most recent Ofsted report (March 2023) states:

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), rise to the challenge of high expectations that are set for them.

Leaders quickly identify pupils who need additional help. Working with specialist agencies, they ensure that they accurately identify pupils with SEND and put in place support that helps them to access the same curriculum as others. The provision for pupils with SEND is regularly reviewed. These plans contain the information and strategies staff use to deliver the support that pupils with SEND need to flourish.


Please see the links below for information about SEND at Southcott and further information about useful sources of support for families within our wider community, including Central Bedfordshire's local offer for SEND. For information about children's wellbeing, click here


If you would like to know more you are very welcome to come and meet Mrs Drinkall, our SENDCO, as well as the rest of the team at Southcott.  Please do contact the school and arrange a visit to our warm and vibrant school where all children thrive.  


Mrs Drinkall can be contacted by calling the school telephone number: 01525 375753. Alternatively, she can be contacted by email:


Useful information and resources: