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Southcott School Association

Welcome to the Southcott School Association (SSA), a fundraising group available for all parents and teachers of pupils at Southcott Lower School.

The Southcott School Association raises funds for the benefit of the children at Southcott and brings together children, staff and parents in a social and fun environment.


After a successful AGM in October, your SSA committee is gearing up to deliver a full programme of events for the year ahead. Our aim is to provide fun, exciting opportunities for all Southcott children and their families, to bring together the school community and to raise vital funds to support the school.

Thanks to your generous support we smashed our £10,000 income target last year, and this year we have set the ambitious goal of raising £12,000. The money we raise goes towards a wide variety of enrichment activities at Southcott such as Forest School, the panto, the annual SingUp! event and more.


How to support the SSA

The easiest way to support our fundraising efforts is to buy tickets and attend our events. To help people plan ahead, here is a list of all our planned activities so far.

Further information about future events will be released in due course but in the meantime...


Please Save The Dates!


10th November

Glow in the Dark Disco 

2nd December

Southcott Christmas Fair and Grotto 

5th December

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop 



Your SSA needs you!

There are two ways to get involved and support the SSA to be as successful as possible. Firstly, we are actively recruiting for new committee members to help with the planning and organisation of events. The meetings for this term are listed below; as you can see the time commitment isn’t huge and everyone is always welcome. Email to find out more, or feel free to just come along.


Upcoming meetings will be held at The Hare in Linslade at 8pm on

Tuesday 4th November

Tuesday 28th November


We also rely heavily on parents (and grandparents!) as event volunteers, so if you want to help out without necessarily being on the committee this is for you! This can involve anything from helping out at a school disco to decorating the grotto to wrapping tombola prizes in the evening at home. ALL help is sincerely appreciated and much needed, so if you are happy to be added to the list of possible event volunteers, please email and let us know.

Contacting the SSA
There are a number of ways that you can contact us with any questions or ideas that you want to pass to the committee members. Email us at, give your details to the office staff or place a note with your details in the brown box, next to the door in the school reception area, or catch one of the committee members in the playground. We’d love to hear from you.



Southcott School Association has joined EasyFundraising, an app that will let you generate free cash donations for Southcott every time you shop online. It doesn’t cost you a penny. The retailers you shop with make donations to your chosen charity every time you buy from them, so please download the app and encourage friends and family to do the same. It takes less than a minute to do.

Once you join, the retailers you shop with make donations to your chosen charity every time you buy from them at no cost to you. There are more than 7000 different retailers participating, covering everything from groceries and clothes to house insurance and holidays… Almost anything you buy online, you’ll find here. Simply

  • Click through from the easyfundraising app to the websites you normally buy from
  • Shop as usual
  • We receive donations from retailers automatically, for free.

Easyfundraising say an average user generates £100 per year in free donations for their cause. With over 250 families at Southcott, we could raise a game-changing amount of money for the school in this way, for free, and with very little effort, so please sign up and also share this information with your friends and networks. There are also often special offers available to Easyfundraising shoppers, making this an absolute win-win - save money for your family, while generating money for Southcott. Thank you all for your support.
