The national closing date for starting school and transfer to middle applications is 15 January 2025. Please contact the school for a tour.
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Ethos and Values

Southcott is a school where everyone matters. We believe that every member of our learning community – whether adult or child – should feel that they are safe, important and valued. We believe that schools should be inclusive communities that welcome and celebrate differences. Full and meaningful partnership with parents – and the active involvement of other members of the local community – is also very important to us.


We expect all members of our school community to treat people and property with consideration and respect. We value good manners and the development of a strong moral code. It is important to understand that rights come in partnership with responsibilities. We believe that members of our community should demonstrate pride in our school in their appearance and behaviour. Our school is a place where all members of our community want to be.




Click here to view our philosophy of education. 









Our core values are woven through our curriculum. Click here to find out more.



The school was inspected in March 2023 and following the visit the inspector concluded that the leadership team had maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection (September 2017).

Highlights from the report, click here for the full report, include:


  • Pupils are well cared for. It is a nurturing school.
  • Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), rise to the challenge of high expectations that are set for them.
  • Pupils enjoy lessons that are planned to create interest and ensure pupils know and remember more over time.
  • Pupils stay focused and engaged during lessons. They understand it can take time to learn new things and are willing to work hard.
  • Pupils are supported well. They trust staff to keep them safe.
  • Pupils enjoy a range of opportunities to develop their wider interests.
  • Leaders have developed a well-designed curriculum. Leaders prioritise developing pupils’ vocabulary. For example, pupils confidently discussed botanists, chemical reactions and endangered species using specific scientific vocabulary.
  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
  • Leaders ensure reading is a key priority. Staff are well trained to teach children to read. They match reading books to pupils’ reading ability.
  • Pupils who need help with their reading are quickly identified. A range of interventions helps them to catch up quickly.
  • Leaders have carefully chosen high-quality books to develop pupils’ understanding of the world. For example, the story of the first Black female astronaut inspired Year 4 pupils to discuss ‘advocate’ and ‘astronomy’.
  • Pupils enjoy teachers reading to them each day. There is a strong promotion of reading for pleasure.
  • Leaders quickly identify pupils who need additional help. Working with specialist agencies, they ensure that they accurately identify pupils with SEND and put in place support that helps them to access the same curriculum as others.
  • In the early years, children are safe and happy. Staff deliver a curriculum which prepares children well for Year 1.
  • From the newest members of staff to those who are long-standing, staff are proud to be part of the Southcott Lower School family.
  • Leaders have developed a culture where safeguarding is the responsibility of all. Staff are vigilant about pupils’ safety and well-being.
  • One parent, reflecting the view of others, stated, ‘We love it. You feel that you are part of the school.’