Pre-school spaces available for a September start. Call 01525 375753 and choose option 4 to speak to the Pre-school team
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Ethos and Values

Southcott is a school where everyone matters. We believe that every member of our learning community – whether adult or child – should feel that they are safe, important and valued. We believe that schools should be inclusive communities that welcome and celebrate differences. Full and meaningful partnership with parents – and the active involvement of other members of the local community – is also very important to us.


We expect all members of our school community to treat people and property with consideration and respect. We value good manners and the development of a strong moral code. It is important to understand that rights come in partnership with responsibilities. We believe that members of our community should demonstrate pride in our school in their appearance and behaviour. Our school is a place where all members of our community want to be.




Click here to view our philosophy of education. 









Our core values are woven through our curriculum. Click here to find out more.



The school was inspected in September 2017 and following the visit the inspector concluded that the leadership team had maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection (June 2013).

Highlights from the report, click here for the full report, include:


  • An environment has been created in which every child feels valued.

  • The children come first and are central to the school’s work.

  • The individual needs of children are thoughtfully and effectively met.

  • The school is a very nurturing environment .

  • Safeguarding is effective and there is a culture of safeguarding at the school.

  • Pupils behave very well in lessons and around the school because of the positive relationships they have with staff and the high standards of behaviour that all staff consistently expect of them.

  • Children make at least good progress from their starting points in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2.

  • Pupils make strong progress in their reading, writing and mathematics and as a result are being equipped with the academic skills to be fully ready for the next stages of their education.

  • Teachers plan lessons which hold pupils’ interest and capture their imagination.

  • Governors provide strong, strategic direction for the school.
