The national closing date for starting school and transfer to middle applications is 15 January 2025. Please contact the school for a tour.
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Free School Meals

Universal Infant Free School Meals or Free School Meals?


Currently in the UK there are two different schemes running to support parents/carers. 


First, is the Universal Infant Free School Meal scheme (UIFSM). This scheme provides funding for ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to access a free daily school meal. This is a national scheme and the school is funded based on the number of children who have a school meal on Census Day. We will write to parents in these years in advance of each termly census to ask for their support in ensuring we obtain the maximum funding.


Secondly, there is the Free School Meals funding based on individual family circumstances such as income and whether a family is receiving benefits. The qualifying benefits to receive free school meals for children in Year 3 and over are detailed on the Central Bedfordshire Website


If a child qualifies for Free School Meals, they will also receive support from the school in the form of trip subsidies. The school receives a grant each year known as Pupil Premium and this grant is based on the number of children who are in receipt of the means based Free School Meals. Many families are not aware that they could benefit from the scheme. If you think you might, we urge you to contact Central Bedfordshire Council who will provide a quick assessment. Please follow this link  Alternatively, you can phone the school if you have any questions.
