The national closing date for starting school and transfer to middle applications is 15 January 2025. Please contact the school for a tour.
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Spaces available for a January Start

Applications close on

Wednesday 13th November


Little Owls is our Pre-School, it offers a welcoming environment and a free flowing session for the children.  Children have access to both the indoor and outdoor areas and are able to choose the activities that they access.  We offer adult led activities, small group and child initiated play.  We take pride in our Open Door policy and make ourselves available to discuss your child with you when possible. 


We invite children to join Little Owls at the start of the term in which they celebrate their 3rd  birthday.  We offer morning sessions from 09.00 to 12.00 and afternoon sessions from 12.25 to 15.25 with 20 places in each session. Children can attend either or both sessions from 1 to 5 days a week, subject to availability.  For children who are staying all day or the afternoon session, we offer lunchtime care from 12.00-12.25 each day. This is at a cost of £2 per session and is not covered by government funding. This session must be booked in advance when completing your booking form. 


Healthy snacks are provided during both sessions. Children will drink water from their water bottles or milk. Milk is provided by an external company and will need to be ordered.   Children who are accessing our lunchtime care need to bring a packed lunch from home. 


Children can stay in Little Owls until they start in Reception, or can move up into our Elf Owls in the term after their 4th birthday, places permitting. 


Although children can join mid-term if sessions are available, most start at the beginning of a new term.  We start allocating places at the beginning of the previous half-term.  If there are more applications than places available, the criteria detailed in our Admissions Policy, which is on our website, will be applied. We will write to you confirming the sessions that we are able to offer; and if we cannot offer all the sessions you would like, your details will be placed on a waiting list.


Attendance at Little Owls does not guarantee a place in Reception.  The formal admissions procedure for children starting in our Reception class is carried out by Central Bedfordshire Council.  Further details and an on-line application form are available at   You must complete and return the form to the council by the required date.  We advise you to keep copies of the form and, if you apply online, to keep copies of all emails.  Lower school places are allocated in the Spring and you should receive notification by late April.


All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to free childcare for up to 15 hours per week, 2 year olds may also receive free childcare, which is available for working parent/carers who meet specific criteria. Similarly for 3 and 4 year olds the government can offer 30 hours free childcare per week based on specific criteria. Further guidance can be found on the government website:-

Non-funded hours are charged per 3 hour session

• Non-Funded 3-hour sessions for 2 year olds - £22.50

• Non- Funded 3-hour sessions for 3 and 4 year olds - £15.50


Other Charges

• Daily lunchtime care - £2

• Termly operational costs - £5


If you would like your child to attend Little Owls, please contact the school via email      or complete and return the booking form below indicating all the sessions that you would like your child to attend.  A copy of the form is also available from the School Office.
